Diablo 3 Season 10 (Patch 2.5) Everything you need to know!
Diablo 3 Season 10 is finally upon us! Over the past few weeks I've had a poll running at the side of the website to see what everyone wants to blast next season. To no one's surprise, Wizard and DH look to be the most popular choices. These matches the results from...

Diablo 3 Guide: How to Rift with Trade Secrets
This hour-long Diablo 3 Guide will teach you everything you need to know about running high level greater rifts. You will be able to run higher level rifts (Speeds) more effeciently and also push even higher if you follow our tips. This written section is meant to...

Blizzard wins $8.5 Million US Lawsuit as Anti-Cheating Lawsuits Ramp Up and TurboHUD goes Down
Update: Ket at ownedcore.com has offered KJ hosting and a dedicated forum for TurboHud. The question is, will he accept the offer in the current landscape of gaming? Update 2: KJ appears to have accepted Ket's offer and is bringing back all of the TurboHud forums and...

The Great Towelliee Carries Quin69 in a Mythic +15 Dungeon
In the ultimate display of KappaPride, Towelliee is quoted as saying "..dicks are going to be everywhere which means shit's gonna go down quick." While there were only able to successfully gather 2 chests from their mythic +15, Quin69 and Towelliee are basically...

RIP TurboHud: Diablo 3 Maphack Taken Down Alongside Major US Diablo 3 Banwave
Is it RIP TurboHud? The fabled website and in-game services have been taken down: Although it is unclear as to why, the timing is extremely coincidental, given Blizzard's recent lawsuit, and massive banwave on US Diablo3 Servers. The ProBoards TOS basically says they...

Blizzard strikes again: Another Diablo 3 US Banwave
BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: It appears that TurboHud website and in-game services have been taken offline! In this latest banwave, Blizzard has struck especially close to season end (Less than 24 hours), perhaps giving some of the most blatant cheaters false hope. With the...